footprints in the sand
Kukop with YAF was so much fun, though i ended up sleeping the earliest, (and shihui too) . was super tired, probably from all that running around the fishing village. Played games, talked, shared, laughed. Though at points of the trip, i got alittle emo, but my friends never failed to make me smile, especially this cute note from all of them,(photo of it below). Went to the keylong(i dont know how to spell it), saw a pufferfish, archer fishes, sharks, and alot more other kinds of fishes. took super alot of photos. Bunked in with Cheryl Jialin and Shihui((:

Oh and got 2 photos from goofy, taken at the ball. Suppose to have a couple more, but we can't remember who's cameras the photos were in.haha, so here's 2. Wow and he is tall, given the fact that i'm in 10cm high heels, he's still half a head taller than me. That's good. No more worries about having to discard my heels like in the past. whew.
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