falling over my feet, under water. i need oxygen.
omgoodness 3rd time i'm blogging today, shows how slow my sunday has been passing. studying population geography the entire afternoon was no joke, almost bored me to death. Am thus thankful for occasional interjections, instant messaging on the internet with nice and encouraging people, who constantly tell me, JIAYOU(:
waited and waited for 7pm to come, and yes! walked to kembangan CC to meet the rest, but the courts were full, so sat around and waited somemore, talked and played with Chloe who came!!:D She's so adorable seriously. Then half of half a court, that makes one quarter only, was available, but there were like 9 of us, and we were to play with some disgusting ah-bengs and girls who totally had ZERO features of a girl, no boobs, no sweet voice, she totally sounded like a man, and was super duper rough, had ugly red highlights in her hair, and spat wherever she went, so basically the court was filled with her spit, and her friends too! and they were smoking, it was so unbearable, so choking. So decided not to stay around there, went for a jog at the track next to the CC, successfully completed a 2.4km run which left me gasping(omg the word makes me crack, i'm reminded of tian!hahaha,and no girl,you're not a horse!whoever said that can go stuff her mouth with a smelly gym sock) for breath, and unable to play bball for the next half an hour, omg im weak i know. So sat down and rested, talked about random things, and then cheryl sprained her ankle! ): poor girl.
Have yet to make concrete study plans with anyone for tmr, it's either linette and whoever, or Cheryl Jialing((: hmmm. OR i'll probably stay alone at home if mom bans me from stepping out of the house. i hope that doesn't happen.
Am going to go for a swim tmr, i need the exercise badly.
tmr, study study study): youth day my ass.

i really miss NZ, away from.. school and Alevels.
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