All of the above except you.

was filing up all my lit stuff, those from last year too, and came across this piece of shabby work i did, which i dont know why, but fadlun marked it, and her comment was really funny. It's times like those that i miss, if we screw up assignments, it doesn't matter, how we rush out homework at the halal table, and neglect work for boys. but now, we don't do that anymore. We diligently complete our homework at home(try our best to at least), and are disallowed to submit shabby work cus we'd end up having to attend pointless structured remedials and stay in school till 7, or if you get my econs teacher, an extra hour in school i'm telling you. I miss fad's company too, her lame jokes which only she thinks is funny, her bollywood movies, and what not. But she's doing really well now, and i'm happy for her(:
I think we're all doing better this year, finally found friends whom we can really click with without having to be fake around or force ourselves t fit in. Some found boyfriends, whom they're really happy with, and cheers to that. SALLYPOK is having the time of her life, with perfect company now eh! (: miss you pokie! hahaha.
okay that was really random.
alright i've gotta get back to HMT): have no wish for miss fung to neh me again, like last week, omgoodness. didn't know she could be so... fierce? haha. cannot elaborate anymore. hope she comes in a green dress tmr, i like green. haha. AM SO TIRED, and i don't know why! tsk. shall get all my work done soon and sleep early. my eyebags are... HUGE....!
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