2 pianist, cus joshua can't make it to play the guitar!

kok eng singinggggg.

the clown who sounded like monster in one line of one of the songs and totally made us laugh non-stop for the next 10mins. KE was totally shocked, his expression was like, ?????!!!!!

okay yes, unglam, whatever. tpjcbitchh can comment on this photo, i don't care.

jeff and i slacking while the rest tried to figure out how to arrange the music!:D
one more prac on friday!
I AM SO SUPER TIRED. and i'll be spending 12hours in school tmr, till 7pm): jefferson commented on my horrendous eyebags when we were having practice, but what can i do. I'm a pathetic JC student who has no time to care for my skin/face/appearance. I'm ageing,fast. Alevels better be worth it.
okay i really really need to sleep.
ehhhhh... wat monster. hahahaha!! i thot it sounded lidat lehh.. anyway sleep more lah, or i dunno, put cucumbers on ur eyes?? sorry if i offended u.. haha.. but ur eyebags werent tt bad during prac leh. i think kok eng's expression was ZOMGWTH??? hahahahahaha...
hhahhaha, no la i'm not that petty. TPJC has trained me to be immune to.. critisism. haha! MONSTER! SEE U ON SAT FOR KITE FLYING AND PICNIC!!!
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