
Friday, June 13, 2008

pasta, free drinks, and weird boys

rach smiling, des's not.
des's smiling, rach's not.
i dont know what's they're problem.hahaha
des and rachel,
we laugh so much tgt, seriously i've never had such hilarious and entertaining friends before. love you both! we'd never get enough of the haka/hakka. hahaha.

dinner with the 2 was fantastic, though short, i had to rush t church after that. We ate and laughed, wary of being watched, "caught" pervert 2, who was fat and not good looking at all, and sick in the head. He looked quite pitiful though, like the kind who has no friends, guai kind, like innocent looking, but whoa. he's a maniac. haha. des and i initially thought he was such a poor thing, but nah he's disgusting morally. YUCK YUCK YUCK x 10000. haha. Des looked really pretty yesterday, esp with her makeup and all. glamour girl eh. Rachel looked totally feminine and sweet in that short skirt:D boohoo to whoever doesn't like what we/ I wear. Don't need your fashion advice, i'm happy with my own sense of fashion. Besides, you probably can't dress yourself.
Rachel's birthday's next week:D time flies, the holidays are ending already. bummer. I'm excited to meet up witht he fieldtrippers next thursday, though what comes the day before is a longggg 3hr econs test which i'm probably gonna screw up if i still refuse to touch my econs book. but thankfully i have tuition on monday. Harold save me. haha.
I finished drawing mindmaps for all Litho chpts, thankfully. going to do hydro now. God, bless me with strength and wisdom to focus and not get distracted for the next 3hrs at least, cus i'm going out in the afternoon later, and have no more time to study today! math tuition at night though): i'm gg to eat korean food later, hee.
bye, and enjoy your saturday!


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