cchms, and more memories.

Vivo and ECP with the boys was great. and hilarious too.
At ECP, highlight of the night was Chunyang and Joshua who ran out of the tent to shelter when it started pouring, but after that felt back that they left the rest behind, so went back to get the hammock, and got soaked in the rain. then they saw a tent which looked exactly like the one the boys had brought, ran over, banged against the already swaying tent, screaming "help us help us!!" but it didnt open up. then they heard an unfamiliar girl's voice, and realised they had been banging at the wrong tent. it was actually a couple inside!! they must have been really freaked out, they refused to open up. hahaha. What a night.
At Vivo, had dinner, went to the rooftop, sat down, talked, laughed, played "backfire", but they were totally not sporting so it flopped. took self timer shots, and just as we started to have real fun, CL and J had to head home cus they had sch this morning. took the train home. Amazing how, though we dont meet for ages, and have almost nothing in common anymore since some are in poly and some in JC, we're still able to click and enjoy each other's company. these people, are definitely going to be my friends for life<3>
had lit lesson in the morning ystd, i was half an hour late, lol. anw, pervert catching with bokbok and BBBB was super fun. Scary thing is he looked like a normal family man. girls beware! it's so freaky, imagine when we start working, we meet working men, whom we THINK are hot rich gentlemanly men, in short, attractive, but they have a secret life. YUCK. okay thankfully the pervert we caught was non of the above. what a loser, trying to act as if he's so morally upright. we call him a pervert for a reason.tsk.
going to town with mom, aunty cc and jared:D alright i better go study now!
* i really think i look better in the white top and berms than you(: Don't feel small though. You're BEAUTIFULLLLLL.MOOOOOOO.
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